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Microshield 4 Surg-Handwash -IN-500ml

  • Topical antiseptic solution
  • Suitable for surgical hand washing
  • Enriched with emollient and moisturiser

Microshield Handrub-(Pink )- 500ml

Microshield Handrub Alcohol Skin Antiseptic (500 ml) is toxic to bacteria by dehydrating the cell. It is a broad spectrum anitbacterial and antiviral agent. The handrub alcohol skin antiseptic is absorbed through the bacterial cell wall obstructing its permeability. It interfere with the physiological activity of the cell leading to its destruction. handrub gluconate provides residual and cumulative protection against micro-organisms handrub/alcohol skin antiseptic is active against most Gram positive and negative bacteria. It is also active against some lipophilic viruses.

Sterillium 100ml -with Dispencer

  • Hand Sanitizer
  • Ideal For: Men & Women
  • Quantity: 100 ml
  • Bottle Container
  • Strong Fragrance

Sterillium 500ml

  • Best peer- reviewed hand disinfectant, since 1965
  • Effective against bacteria
  • Provides very good residual effect
  • Excellent skin tolerability even with long term use